How can we help you?

Digital X-Rays

On your first visit and periocally thereafter, a series of dental X-rays of the teeth might be needed in order to diagnose and treat your situation.

At Auckland Dental Care we use state-of-the-art digital X-ray machines, eliminating the need for film fixers and developer chemicals that can be hazardous to see and analyze. Faster and more accurate than traditional film X-ray equipment, with 70-80% less radiation. We offer you: Digital Bite-wing and periapical X-rays, and panoramic X-rays.

In addition to those, Auckland Dental Care offers you the benefit of digital X-rays 3D machine called Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Scans used to visualize facial skeletal anatomy for further evaluation of other possible issues related to the jaw, including periapical abscesses that might require Root Canal Treatment, teeth fracture, accuracy for placement of dental implants, and safer wisdom teeth analyses and extraction. This technology produces one-tenth of the radiation a medical CT scan produces.

We’ve made the process nice and simple for you. To book an appointment with us, click the “Book Now” button below and choose a time that suits you.

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